Eternal Sunshine #97

February 2015

By Douglas Kent 911 Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX  75149

Email: or

On the web at – or go directly to the Diplomacy section at  Also be sure to visit the official Diplomacy World website which can be found at 

All Eternal Sunshine readers are encouraged to join the free Eternal Sunshine Yahoo group at

 to stay up-to-date on any subzine news or errata. 


Check out my eBay store at


My book “It’s Their House; I’m Just a Guest” is available in softcover and Kindle from Amazon at




If I decided to open another new game (Diplomacy or possibly variant, or both) would anyone be interested in signing up?  Email me.


Yes, I went ahead and opened a new game (which filled quickly).  I’m not quite sure what I am going to do with Eternal Sunshine, but for the time being I’d like to keep at least a few games going.  Maybe I should offer another game of Kendo Nagasaki, and a variant like Modern or Balkan Wars?  And perhaps one additional Diplomacy game (or Gumboat).  If you’re interested in any of those, please email me and I’ll consider what to offer…if anything.  I just figure as long as I keep a game or two running I can decide to expand the zine at a later date.


By the way, for those of you who have read my book “It’s Their House; I’m Just a Guest” I would GREATLY appreciate it if you’d find time to add a review to Amazon and Goodreads.  And if you enjoyed the book, recommend it to at least one person you know outside of the hobby who might also find it interesting. 


I suppose what I need to do is try to get a few Texas, Oklahoma or Louisiana-area book clubs to take the book on as a selection, and then go speak to them afterwards.  Any contacts in that space?  Let me know.


Thanks for hanging around.  See you next month!








“When Jesus Became God” by Richard E. Rubenstein

Reviewed by Paul Milewski


This book (ISBN 978-0-15-601315-4) is a scholarly study of the early history of Christianity.  Rubenstein isn’t out to convert you or to correct your religious beliefs, nor do I think this book is suited for any such purpose.  Rubenstein discusses those Christian doctrines that were to be declared “heretical” and those that weren’t, the colorful characters involved, and provides a coherent picture of the convulsive transformation of Christianity, over a remarkably short time period, from a persecuted underground movement to the state religion of the Roman empire.  Included below are some excerpts that I just found interesting for their own sake, but I do not begin to do justice to the book.  I have included Rubenstein’s own citations of other works, just to impress you with the fact that he’s not making this up out of whole cloth.  As different possible interpretations of “the Trinity” (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are the basis of the doctrinal conflict between the different “Christianities,” it should come as no surprise that in this book is one of the best discussions of what is meant by “the Holy Trinity” I’ve ever read.

[Page 93] Christians, however, were particularly attracted to the heroic ideal of sexual renunciation suggested by Jesus’ blessing of those “who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 19:12 RSV]  Some zealots took this injunction literally, so much so that the bishops at [the Council of] Nicaea felt compelled to declare that men who had had themselves castrated should be disqualified from becoming priests. 

[Page 94] “Christian marriage”—marriage without sexual intercourse—was also valued.  Yet clergymen were not expected to remain celibate.  Priests usually married; it was commonly said that a priest’s son should follow in his father’s footsteps and train for the clergy.  The Council of Nicaea ruled that, to avoid scandal, unmarried clergymen should not keep women other than close blood relatives in their houses, but a story dramatizes how that council stopped short of requiring that priests practice “Christian marriage.”  The Egyptian ascetic, Paphnutius, who had lost one eye in the Great Persecution, is said to have appeared before the bishops at a critical point in the discussion, “roaring at the top of his voice” that celibacy was impossible for most men and women, and that the council should not impose unnatural burdens on the clergy [Peter Brown, The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988, page 256]. 

[Page 109] Constantinople’s true originality, however, lay in the fact that it was the first great metropolis founded by Christians and dedicated to Christian worship.  It announced to the world that the religion named for a condemned Palestinian rabbi would now become the state church of Rome.  In Constantine’s city there were no altars to Victory, no statures or paintings of gods and goddesses.  Indeed, no representations of Jesus, Mary, or the disciples, either, since many Christians still adhered to the Jewish rule forbidding graven images of the holy.  Eusebius of Caesarea’s sharp response to a request by the emperor’s sister for a picture of Jesus was already famous.  “I do not know what has impelled you to command that an image of our Savior be drawn,” he told Constantia.  The request was senseless, the bishop said, since a picture of Jesus’ divinity would be impossible, and a picture of him as an ordinary man, irrelevant! [Jaroslav Pelikan, Jesus through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture (New Haven: Yale, 1985), 85-86] 

[Page 133] More than a decade earlier, when he convened the Great Council of Nicaea, Constantine could not have imagined that the bishops would be meeting almost every year to rule on charges of criminal activity and heresy.  Partisan control of these gatherings virtually guaranteed that condemned churchmen would attempt to rehabilitate themselves and punish their enemies by denying the authority of “illegitimate” councils and convening new ones. 

[Page 142] Several months later a large council of bishops met in Antioch to declare that, in addition to the older charges proved against Athanasius by the Council of Tyre, he had committed new atrocities.  They found that on returning to Alexandria he had incited mobs to assault and murder, had handed over his opponents to be imprisoned and executed by the prefect of Egypt, Theodorus, and had financed his campaign of violence by misappropriating charitable funds.  The council ordered him deposed, and Constantius [who had succeeded Constantine as emperor after Constantine’s death] wrote him immediately endorsing this decision.  Athanasius’s answer was to convene a council of eighty Egyptian bishops early in 338, which cleared him of all charges, accused his accusers of heresy, and characterized their activities as a conspiracy motivated by hatred of Christ. 

[Page 206-7] The answer was to clarify or redefine key words.  Even theologians like Athanasius used “essence” (ousia) and “being” (hypostasis) interchangeably, sometimes exchanging these words with other terms like “person” (prosopon).  The Nicene Creed itself anathematized not only those who denied that the Father and Son were one in “essence” but those who denied that they were one in “being.”  This was a mistake, said the Cappadocians.  The corrective was to distinguish clearly between ousia and hypostasis, essence and being.  The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate beings, each with his own individual characteristics—they are three hypostases.  But they are one and the same in essence—they are homoousios.  Adopting an idea of Origen’s that easterners would appreciate, Basil described Jesus as a “sharer of [God’s] nature, not created by fiat, but shining out continuously from his ousia.”  And the Holy Spirit, which the Arians and some Nicenes considered a principle or person lower down the scale of divinity than either the Father or the Son, shares that same divine essence.  The Holy Spirit, that is, is a third individual being (or Person) “consubstantial” with the Father and the Son. [R. P. C. Hanson, The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God: The Arian Controversy, 318-381 A.D. (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1988, 687-688]

     Gregory of Nyssa summed up the doctrine with characteristic sharpness.  God is three individuals sharing one essence.  Both the unity and the tripartite division of the Godhead are real.  If this seems paradoxical, so be it.

[Page 230] Soon, most of the Eastern world would come under the domination of a new religion offering another interpretation of Jesus’ nature and mission.  The Islamic Jesus was not the incarnate God of Nicene Christianity or the superangelic Son of the [heretical] Arians.  In the view of the Muslim conquerors, he was a divinely inspired man: a spiritual genius ranking with the greatest prophets, Moses and Muhammad himself.  Apparently, this teaching struck a chord among large numbers of easterners who still thought of God as unitary, and who had not fully accepted Jesus’ incorporation into the Godhead.  This may explain why, in the Middle East and North Africa, “the whole [Christian] structure was swept away in a few decades by the Arab tribes and their clear Moslem doctrine of One God. [Paul Johnson, A History of Christianity (New York: Atheneum, 1976), 93]








By Larry Peery




I’ve never met Doug Kent, a fact for which I’m sure he will be eternally grateful and for which I will forever be sorry. In the meantime the Peeriblah continues to flow, in this case through the pages of Eternal Sunshine. It’s been a while since the last issue of XENOGOGIC devoted to the world of dip&Dip appeared, although no one seems to have noticed; and I thank Doug for the opportunity to once again inflict on the hobby my latest list of readings and ramblings.


What were you doing fifty years ago? The chances are you weren’t playing Diplomacy. Neither was I, although I was less than a year from my first encounter with the game that would change my life. Instead, I was writing my second book… I only mention this because it was an early indicator that I would be taking the “road less traveled” in years to come, and so I did. Now, some forty-five years later, I’ve come to realize that I’ve almost come full circle and my journey is almost complete. Come with me as I reflect on some of these real dip&Dip moments.


Prague Spring, Prague, 1968; Velvet Revolution, Prague, 1989; Tiananmen Square Massacre, Beijing, 1989; Tiananmen Square, Beijing, 2015: What’s the difference?


There are dozens of good news and historical sources on all these events and you can find them for yourself online if your interested and if you take the trouble to look.


 In the 1960s Prague was the center of the world’s attention as the drama of the struggle between the Czechoslovakians and Warsaw Pact nations played out. The world’s press sent their best reporters and writers to Prague to cover the story on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. There were scores of journalists reporting on everything going on in the city. There were news reels and television news reports but they were still relatively primitive, at least by today’s standards. Try as they would the Russians couldn’t prevent the story being told. And then on 21 August, 1968 the Iron Curtain once again came down on Prague. I remember that well. A generation passed.


Then, in 1989, the Velvet Revolution took place in Prague, although it wasn’t much noticed as the tide of reform flowed across Central and Eastern Europe. Half way round the world, in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, a location unfamiliar to most foreigners, another drama was being played out between Chinese students and their supporters, and they were many although it wasn’t known at the time, and the leaders of the Communist Party. This time the media coverage was primarily from the audio-visual perspective and it was happening in real time. As the police lost control, the Party debated calling in the troops and tanks and, as we know now, for days a struggle went on within the Party and military leadership over what to do. Hundreds died, the reform movement went underground, and the Party eventually used a modern equivalent of “bread and circuses” to control and pacify the people; while they waited to see what would happen. Another generation passed.


The domestic media in effect became the lap dog of the Party and Government and everyone could see the economic prosperity that following the Party’s line was bringing. And then came a new President with some very old ideas. He was offered to the people as a potential reformer and to the Party and military as a strong defender of the status quo, and so the media reported. The only problem was that he realized to be these two things he needed to centralize power in his hands; and so began the greatest series of purges since the days of Mao. The President revealed himself to be an old emperor in new clothes, and he planned to rule, not govern, accordingly. That is a short summary of what is happening in Beijing today.


This great drama is being played out just a few hundred years northeast of Tiananmen Square next to the same Forbidden City where the Chinese emperors ruled. This area is called Zhongnanhai and it has become famous as the scene where the struggles for personal power are hidden behind walls of corruption and rumors of sexual misdeeds. Fortunately, as happened in Prague forty-five years ago, there are some fine international journalists in both print and visual media outlets reporting on what is going on. Today’s equivalent to yesterday’s television is the internet and the blog. Again, it is proving impossible, no matter how hard it tries, for the Party and government to control the dissemination of news to the people and the expression of the peoples’ responses. The Iron Curtain of yesterday has been replaced by the Great Firewall of today  I’m sure the President and his clique, are just as worried as the Soviet leaders were in the 1960s; and just as frightened as the Chinese Party leaders were in 1989. Worry and fright do not make for a stable environment.


So what do I think will happen? My prediction is simple: Within a year or so Xi will be the new “emperor” of China (or, if you’re a good communist, the new “Stalin”) or he will be gone.  At some point either Xi will be successful in eliminating his potential rivals and their cliques, or the number of potential rivals who are afraid enough of him to do something will outnumber his supporters and they will act. It’s the age old struggle between the “Divide and Conquer” and “Either we all hang together or we all hang separately” schools.  In either case the struggle will be played out within the leadership of the Party and the military and their supporters, and the people will be left to observe it on their cell phones and electronic devices.


What do I base that opinion on? You’ll know if you read a sampling of the items I’ve been reading in the past month or so. Keep in mind that these are the tip of the iceberg, if there are any of those left, and that for every item listed below I probably read another dozen or so that said something similar.


The Gist of the List


Each item mostly follows the same format and gives: Subject, Date, Author, Source, Title and occasionally a note. Look for this rosette ((small rose)) * to indicate items of special interest or quality that I found especially informative.


1. Winston Churchill, 1915, Hugues Le Roux, New York Herald, 1915: An Interview with Winston Churchill

2. Subs, 2015, Peter Briggs,The Diplomat, Why Australia Should Build Its Own Submarines

3. Monopoly, 2015, Caroline Nolan, The Street, Monopoly Turns 80: A Look at the Board Game’s Transformation

4. Alberto Nisman, 2015, Frida Ghitis, CNN, Who Killed Alberto Nisman?

5. Alberto Nisman, 2015, Simon Romero and Jonathan Gilbert New York Times, Argentina Points to Spy After Lawyer’s Eerie Death,

6. China, 2015, New York Times, Communist Leadership Approves Security Goals for China, Chris Buckley

7. Doomsday Clock, 2015, CNN, Doomsday Clock moved closer to midnight, Todd Leopold

8. Doomsday Clock, 2015, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 70 Years Speaking Knowledge to Power

9. Asia, 2015, The Diplomat, Should U.S. Allies in Asia Get Their Own Nukes?, Christine M. Leah

10. Subs, 2015, Blog, Naval Analyst: New Era in Undersea Warfare Requires Novel Approaches, Richard R. Burgess

11. Subs, 2015, Breaking Defense Blog, Transparent Sea: The Unstealthy Future of Submarines, Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr.

12. Subs, 2015, DC Decoder Blog, The hunt for Red October gets easier. How submarine warfare is changing, Anne Mulrine

13. China, 2015, Yang Hengjun Blog, Time to Rethink Chinese Diplomacy: Unless China can gain the world’s trust, its rise won’t get much farther, Yang Hengjun

14. WWI, 2015, New York Times, London’s Imperial War Museum takes visitors back into the trenches, Roy Harris

15. Winston Churchill, 2015, CNN, Winston Churchill: Why the life of Britain’s audacious leader still matters, Aaron Millar

16. China, 2015, New York Times, In China, Projects to Make Great Wall Feel Small, David Barboza

17. Subs, 2015, The Korea Herald, S. Korean Navy to set up submarine command next month

18. Turkey, 2015,, Busted! Turkey caught smuggling weapons to al-Qaida

19. Subs, 2015, The Japan News, Stealth tech no given in Japanese sub deal, Reiji Yoshida

20. Subs, 2015, The Motley Fool, New Nuclear Submarine Cost Could Torpedo the U.S. Navy’s Budget --- and Sink This Company

21. Diplomacy, 2014, Business Standard (India), An anatomy of diplomacy, Kishan S. Rana

22. China, 2015, New York Times, In China’s Antigraft Campaign, Small Victories and Bigger Doubts, Andrew Jacobs

23. Art, 2014, New York Times, Art from Bunny Mellon collection brings in $158.7 million at auction, David Ng

24. Subs, 2015, Canberra Times, Gang Gang: Remarkable submarine survivor, David Ellery

25. Henry Kissinger, 2015, Nogales International, Joy or gloom in the New Year?, Manfred Cripe

26. Korea, 2015, Wikipedia, Yi Jun

27. India, 2015, Indian News, Amarinder Singh for declassifying 1962 India-China war report

28. China, 2015, BBC News, Mourners mark China leader Zhao Ziyang’s death anniversary

29. China, 2015, The Diplomat, Is “China’s Machiavelli” Now Its Most Important Political Philospher?, Ryan Mitchell

30. Subs, 2015, Deutsch News, The Curious Case of the Second Submarine Spotted in Stockholm’s Archipelago, Elias Groll

3l. WWI, 2015, Daily News (Turkey), Turkey invites Armenian president to 100th anniversary of     Gallipoli War, Deniz Zeyrek

31. China, 2015, New York Times, Xi’s Selective Punishment, Murong Xuecun

32. WWI, 2015, Scientific American, Chronicles WWI

33. Diplomacy, 2015,, Visited Countries Map Generator

34. War Games, 2015, The Armchair,

35. Turkey, 2015, AFP (France), Spear-carriers and chainmail warriors: Erdogan’s palace welcome

36. Subs, 2015, Associated Press, Navy Outsources More Submarine Maintenance Because of Budget Cuts, Michel Melia

37. Henry Kissinger, 2015, Washington Post, In the Loop (Blog): Kissinger fractures shoulder, cancels double-barreled Senate testimony

38. Diplomacy, 2015, The Record (Waterloo, Canada), Air power becoming the new gunboat diplomacy, Ernie Regehr

39. Subs, 2015, Daily Press (Norfolk, VA), New Virginia-class sub to be named for Rickover

40. Charlie Hebdo, 2015, Buenos Aires Herald, Being Charlie, Marcelo Garcia

41. Charlie Hebdo, 2015, Dailey News (Turkey), Turkey’s irreverent satire mag Penguen shares tearful tribute for Charlie Hebdo

42. Subs, 2015, Blog, They Got It, They Finally Got It

43. Diplomacy, 2015, New York Times, What to Do in Milan with 36 hours, Ingrid K. Williams

44. Henry Kissinger, 2015, Washington Post, In the Loop (Blog): Henry Kissinger kicks off two of Senate’s inaugural committee sessions, Al Kamen

45. Henry Kissinger, 2015, The Yomiuri Shimbun (Tokyo, Japan), Kissinger: Japan must be thoughtful in a new world

46. Diplomacy, 2015, The Seattle Times, ‘Outpost’: On the front lines of American Diplomacy, Kevin J. Hamilton

47. Diplomacy, 2015, The Scotsman (Scotland), Diplomacy of Scotch Whisky Association chief, Martin Flanagan

48. Diplomacy, 2015, San Diego Union-Tribune, Flying Pig plans 2nd restaurant in Vista, Pam Kragen

49. WWl, 2015, British Pathe site on Wikipedia, WW1 – The Definitive Collection, a collection of hundreds of film clips about WW1 from British Pathe, a leading news source of the day. Fascinating.

50. WWI, 2015, The Economist (London), The centenary delusion: Asia in 2014 was not Europe in 1914 after all, but the echoes warrant heeding

51. Diplomacy, 2015, USA Today, HarperCollins sorry for omitting Israel from atlas, Lori Grisham

52. Subs, 2015, Oregon Live (Portland), Navy modifies environmental impact statement for offshore training, invites comment

53. China, 2015, Wall Street Journal, Expect No Easing of “Chinese Whirlwind”: Beijing Softens its Bluster, but Ambition Remains Unchanged, Andrew Browne

54. China, 2015, New York Times, China’s Maoists Are Revived as Thought Police, Chris Buckley and

55. China, 2015, Nikkei Asian Review (Tokyo, Japan), With public at his back, Xi crushes party bigwigs, Gaku Shimada

56. Diplomacy, 2014, World Politics Review, Lessons in Secret Diplomacy From the First Christmas, Richard Gowan

57. China, 2014, CNN, Four decades in China: Jaime FlorCruz signs off

58. Turkey, 2015, The Economist (London), Turkey’s Future, Forward to the past, Can Turkey’s past glories be revived by its grandiose Islamic president?

59. Diplomacy, 2014, The Diplomat, The Geopolitical Vision of Alfred Thayer Mahan, Francis P. Sempa

60. Military/USA, 2014, Los Angeles Times, Aging nuclear arsenal grows ever most costly, Ralph Vart Abedian and W. J. Hennigan

61. Military, 2014, War on the Rocks Blog, Art of War

62. WWI, 2014, New York Times, In France, Vestiges of the Great War’s Bloody End, Richard Rubin

63. Military, 2014, Blog, brought to you by Jim Dunnigan, Al Nofi and others.

64. China, 2014, Reuters, China’s Corruption Crackdown

65. China, 2014, ?, The Downfall of Ling Jihua and the New Norm of Chinese Politics, Bo Zhiyue

66. Taiwan, 2014, The Asian Age (Taipei, Taiwan), US think-tank proposes shakeup of Taiwan defence

67. Subs, 2014, The Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Maritime spats “stirring undersea arms race”, Raul Dance

68. WWI, 2014, Foreign Affairs, The War That Didn’t End All Wars, Lawrence Freedman (book reviews)

69. Subs, 2014, Bloomberg (USA), Australia Mulls Japan Submarines Under China’s Apprehensive Gaze, Jason Scott

70. Japan/France, 2014, New York Times, The New Japanese Masters of French Cuisine, Alexander Lobrano

71.Spam, 2014, Los Angeles Times, Spam lover’s guide to L.A.: 7 great dishes with your favorite processed meat, Jenn Harris

72. Russia, 2014, Los Angeles Times, Russia says it has a right to put nuclear weapons in Crimea, Sergei L. Loiko

73. WWI, 2014, New York Times, Through Survivors’ Dark-Hued Chords, Conveying the Trauma of a Century, Vivien Schweitzer

74. Diplomacy, 2014, New York Times, Mastering the Art of Secret Negotiations, Mark Landler

75. Diplomacy, 2014, Bloomberg (USA), Robot Brains Catch Humans in 25 Years, Then Speed Right On By, Tom Randall

76. Malaysia, 2014, New York Times, Celebrating the Legacy of a Chinese Explorer, Edward Wong

77. Subs, 2014, Associated Press, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard hiring 715 workers

78. Subs, 2014,, Scorpene Goes Long

79. China, 2014, New York Times, Chinese Annoyance with North Korea Bubbles to the Surface, Jane Perlez

80. China, 2014, (Taipei?), Xi Jinping pays long-awaited visit to Nanjing Military Region

81. Turkey, 2014, New York Times, Brave New Turkey, Andrew Finkel (editorial pages)

82. China, 2014, The Diplomat, China’s Big Diplomacy Shift: China signals a change in priorities, raising the risk of tension with the developing world, Timothy Heath

83. China/Hong Kong/Macau, 2014, Associated Press, In Wake of Hong Kong, Chinese Leader Warns Macau

84. China, 2014, (Taipei?), The PLA’s special forces: secrets revealed

85. Subs, 2014, Civil Beat’s Blog (Australia), Asia Matters: A Future Under Water, Bill Dorman

86. Subs, 2014, (Taipei?), ROC naval chief visits the US to discuss the transfer of submarine technology

87. China, 2014, Sydney Morning Herald, Lowy report: Chinese rivalries risk spiraling conflict in South China Sea, John Garnaut

88. Russia, 2014, RBTH (Moscow), Secret new Russian tank could be deployed to Artic zones, Denis Kungurov

89. Russia/Ukraine/China, 2014, Foreign Affairs, An Uneasy Menage a Trois: Reliance on Russian and Ukrainian Weapons Puts China in a Tight Spot, Michael Kofman

90. USA, 2014, New York Times, The War Hero and the Chicken Hawk, Timothy Egan (editorial pages)

91. China, 2014, USA Today, China arrests top official on sex and corruption charges, Calum MacLeod

92. China, 2014, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), China gives rare glimpse into first aircraft carrier Liaoning’s home port in Qingdao, Shandong

93. China, 2014, Reuters, China arrests ex-security chief for corruption, leaking secrets

94. Diplomacy, 2014,  Ondine Cohane, New York Times, In Tuscany, Following the Rise and Fall of Machiavelli (Travel)

95. Diplomacy, 2014, Rachel Lee Harris, New York Times, A Revival for Watergate Hotel

96. Subs, 2014, David Tweed, Bloomberg, China Takes Nuclear Weapons Undersea Where Prying Eyes Can’t See

97. Subs, 2014, Helen Perkins, The Express (London), Royal Navy’s nuclear submarines set for ‘major catastrophe’: Fleet has 44 fires in 4 years

98. Diplomacy, 2014, Raymond Smith, The National Interest Blog, From Da to Nyet: How US Diplomacy Helped Transform Russia from Potential Ally into Strategic Adversary

99. China/Taiwan, 2014, Wendell Minnick,, China’s Checkmate: S-400 Looms Large Over Taiwan

100. China/Spain, 2014, Xinhua, World’s longest train journey reaches its final destination in Madrid

101. WWI, 2014, New York Times, WWI Centenary, 1914: Sinking of the Nurnberg

102. Subs, 2014, Arthur Herman, Nikkei Asian Review (Japan), Japanese subs still the best deal for Australia

103. Subs, 2014,  Sanjeev Miglani and Tommy Wilkes, Reuters,  Rattled by Chinese submarines, India joins other nations in rebuilding fleet

104. China, 2014, David Tweed, Bloomberg, China Seeks Great Power Status After Sea Retreat

105. China, 2014, Ting Shi, Bloomberg, The Challenges of China: Q&A With Bloomberg Reporter Ting Shi

106. China, 2014, Ting Shi and David Tweed, Bloomberg, Xi Outlines ‘Big Country Diplomacy’ Chinese Foreign Policy

107. Israel, 2014, Joe Klein, New York Times, ‘Elusive Peace: Thirteen Days in September,’ by Lawrence Wright (Book Review)

108. France, 2014, Liz Alderman, New York Times, In Twist on French Tradition, Bosses Take to Streets in Protest

109. Subs, 2014,, Dealing With The Elderly

110. Turkey, 2014, Glen Johnson, Patrick J. McDonnell, In Turkey, lavish new presidential palace proves divisive

111. Subs, 2015, John Andrew Prime, Shreveport, La. Times, Mystery of missing Civil War submarines resurfaces

112. WWII, 2015, Ben Child, The Guardian (UK), Unseen Alfred Hitchcock Holocaust documentary, ‘Memory of the Camps,’ to be released (Movie Review)

113. Diplomacy, 2015, Bartholomew Sparrow (Author) and B&N,  The Strategist: Brent Scowcroft and the Call of National Security (Book review)

114. Art, 2015, Scott Reyburn, New York Times, New Report, Larry’s List, Builds a Profile of the Elusive Art Collector


Putting It All Together: A Recipe for Diplomacy


There are 23,750 Subway outlets in the USA and 188 in the PRC. Think about it.


Now consider this:  There are 46,000 Chinese- style restaurants in the USA, including 1,700 Panda Express; and untold thousands of American style restaurants in China, including: 4,600 KFC, 1,200 Pizza Hut and 1,125 McDonalds. There are no Panda Express outlets in China (Guam is the closest).


The thing to remember is that American-style restaurants in China have different menu items and different styles of preparation from what they do in America; which explains why so many Americans traveling overseas don’t like the foreign product. The same thing applies to Chinese-style restaurants in the States which have different menu items and different styles of preparation from what they do in China. However, you will see many Chinese tourists eating at Panda Express, especially in the Outlet Malls, because the food is safe, fast and relatively cheap.


Hong Kong is probably the best city in the world to sample the best and worst of both kinds of food. In addition you can find American-style up-scale restaurants like Tony Roma or Ruth Chris; something you won’t find in most of China.


The bottom line is that Diplomacy is a matter of good taste and that takes years to acquire. I know, I’ve been trying for some fifty years to find the recipe for a winning Diplomacy game  Still, with the 114 ingredients listed above it would be possible to create a tasty dish, perhaps a cauldron or bowl of Hot Dot Soup filled with lots of Chinese vegetables, Russian caviar, Asian seafood (e.g. submarines), pieces of turkey, and even some chunks of spam. Add a few spices (Monopoly, the Doomsday Clock,, old ICBMs ) and herbs (Churchill, Nisman, Henry Kissinger, Yu Lin, Charlie Hebdo) and you’ll have a concoction fit for a Dipper or a diplomat.  Bon appetite!




By Larry Peery


In the original article you may have noticed that I wrote, “Each item mostly follows the same format and gives: Subject, Date, Author, Source, Title and occasionally a note. Look for this rosette ((small rose)) * to indicate items of special interest or quality that I found especially informative.” If you looked closely you probably noticed there were no rosettes to be found. That’s because I forgot to include them. I’ll be curious to see if anybody actually did notice that, but somehow I doubt it happened.


Anyway, here are the items that I felt merited special attention because of their subject, their original contribution to our knowledge about the subject, and the skill with which they were written. These are truly “the best of the best.”


1.    Winston Churchill, 1915, Hugues Le Roux, New York Herald, 1915: An Interview with Winston Churchill. There’s no doubt in my mind that Churchill was the greatest man of the last century and one of the greatest of all time. In this interview note his comments on submarines.


2. Alberto Nisman, 2015, Frida Ghitis, CNN, Who Killed Alberto Nisman? Argentina’s politics have fascinated me for years; and this latest suicide/assassination/murder story keep me coming back for more.


3. Asia, 2015, The Diplomat, Should U.S. Allies in Asia Get Their Own Nukes?, Christine M. Leah. Most Americans today don’t even realize that for years the US stockpiled nuclear weapons in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and other places in Asia. Today Russia, China and North Korea all have nuclear weapons of some kind. It’s entirely possible that South Korea, Japan and Taiwan could within a fairly short time.


4. WWI, 2015, New York Times, London’s Imperial War Museum takes visitors back into the trenches, Roy Harris. The IWM has just completed a major new exhibit devoted to WWI in time for the 100th anniversary of “the war to end all wars.”


5. Subs, 2015, The Motley Fool, New Nuclear Submarine Cost Could Torpedo the U.S. Navy’s Budget --- and Sink This Company. The big story in the Cold War 2 isn’t the battle between the Great Powers; it’s the battles between the companies building the weapons that will be used in this war.  This story looks at the battle going on between the US Navy’s shipyards and the two private contractors building our nuclear subs.


6. China, 2015, New York Times, In China’s Antigraft Campaign, Small Victories and Bigger Doubts, Andrew Jacobs.  Jacobs has written some great stuff on Chinese politics but this article stood out among them. It convinced me to change my mind about what’s going on in China now.


7. India, 2015, Indian News, Amarinder Singh for declassifying 1962 India-China war report. I’ve always been intrigued by this war that nobody paid much attention to and history has sort of ignored. Finally we’re getting a look at it from the Indian perspective.


8. WWI, 2015, Scientific American, Chronicles WWI. This magazine covered WWI in more detail than most researchers have noticed, often covering topics the major histories overlooked.


9. WWl, 2015, British Pathe site on Wikipedia, WW1 – The Definitive Collection, a collection of hundreds of film clips about WW1 from British Pathe, a leading news source of the day. Fascinating.


10. Diplomacy, 2014, World Politics Review, Lessons in Secret Diplomacy From the First Christmas, Richard Gowan. Diplomacy, The Three Wise Men and Harold --- now there’s a Diplomacy variant waiting to be designed.


11. Diplomacy, 2014, The Diplomat, The Geopolitical Vision of Alfred Thayer Mahan, Francis P. Sempa.  Still relevant to an understanding of what naval power means today.


12. WWI, 2014, New York Times, In France, Vestiges of the Great War’s Bloody End, Richard Rubin, Another excellent travel  story about some out –of-the-way places on the western front that don’t seemed to have changed much in the last hundred years.


13. Diplomacy, 2014,  Ondine Cohane, New York Times, In Tuscany, Following the Rise and Fall of Machiavelli (Travel).  And yet another NYT travel story of relevance to Diplomacy fans, especially if you’re going to Milan for WDC this year. Take a side trip to see Florence and stop in at the Basilica of Santa Croce and pay your respects to the grand old man of diplomacy.


14. Diplomacy, 2014, Raymond Smith, The National Interest Blog, From Da to Nyet: How US Diplomacy Helped Transform Russia from Potential Ally into Strategic Adversary. Like so many others I had great hopes when the Iron Curtain crashed and the Soviet empire collapsed. So what happened? Maybe it was our fault after all.







Eternal Sunshine Game Section


GAMESTART! Diplomacy, “Milk and Trash”, 2015?, Pre-Spring 1901


Austria (Jack McHugh – jwmchughjr “of”

England (Mark Firth – mark.r.firth “of”

France (Paul Milewskipaul.milewski “of”

Germany (Jim Burgess – jfburgess “of”

Italy (John Biehljerbil “of”

Russia (Kevin Wilson – ckevinw “of”

Turkey (John David Galt – jdg “of”


Deadline for Spring 1901 moves and press is February 24th at 7am my time









Acquire Game #2 - “Juliet” – Eternal Sunshine

Players: Tom Howell, Mark Firth, Andy Bate, Richard Weiss, Hank Alme


Turn 10


Tom plays 5-D and buys 3 Tower.


Mark plays 12-E and buys 3 Festival.


Andy plays 2-A, and buys 2 Imperial and 1 Festival.


Richard plays 12-F and buys 1 Luxor.


Hank plays 9-B and discards a “safe tile.” 














Diplomacy “Jerusalem” 2012A, W 13

E/T Draw Passes!

End Game Statements Due February 24th at 7am my time.

They will be published with the EOG report next issue.




London (Apr1, 1914): Third Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Arthur Barker, barked out " The English are not fooled by the Turkish hypocrisy of invading Italy and then supporting their colony of Tunis. Nor do we expect our Italian compatriots to be fooled by this false offer of friendliness. The only way for the Ottomans to appease Italy is to

remove themselves from it."


Dateline Sarajevo: The 1914 Olympics will be held, as scheduled, in beautiful, snow-blessed Sarajevo.  The Czar and his court are insuring the safety of all athletes and guests to the games.  Reminder to the world, the region has been stable and absent any of the aspects of the horrifics of war being imposed on Europe by the English demigod.  As an example, only the English have used gas attacks on civilians in the LowLands and other countries, with releases that were meant for combatants.


Open Letter from Banc des Frances to Prime Minister Asquith:


"Bonjour Cher Prime Minister Asquith;


Je suis Mr Mathew Patrick, le Directeur des Opérations Financières d'une Banque de la place.


J’ai une proposition financière confidentielle à vous faire. Une somme flottante de 5.950.000 dollars usd appartenant à un défunt client don’t le nom a été identifié et noté non revendiqué dans nos audits et archives.


En tant qu'un des dirigeants principaux de la banque, je suis oblige de vous informer, que je suis à la recherche d'une personne avec qui je peux débloquer cette somme.


Je vous demande donc d'accepter d'être le proche parent et revendiquer les fonds. En générale, dans ces cas d'espèce les fonds sont confisqués au trésor du gouvernement en tant que fonds non revendiqués.


Selon le gouvernement après une certaine période, à moins qu'ils soient revendiqués de façon pressante par un proche parent du défunt. Je voudrais que ces fonds vous soient transférés, (soit dans votre compte bancaire ou par carte de Paiement Electroniques VISA) entant que proche parent du défunt client et que par la suite nous effectuons un partage équitable de 50% chacun, j'ai besoin de votre aide en toute honnêteté et je vous promets que vous ne courrez aucun risque car ma position au sein de la banque me permet de couvrir n'importe quel

risque et de plus je serai la seule personne a superviser cette transaction.


J'ai fais toutes les vérifications concernant cet arrangement pour que son exécution soit propre et de façon rapide.


Je vous prierai de traiter cette lettre avec la plus grande urgence et discrétion possible.


Mes salutations les plus distinguées


Mr Mathew Patrick"












Diplomacy “Walkerdine” 2012D, F 09

France (Jim Burgess – jfburgess “of” F Aegean Sea Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 A Burgundy Hold, A Edinburgh – Constantinople, F English Channel Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 F Greece Hold, F Ionian Sea Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople, A London Hold,

 F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 F North Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 F Norwegian Sea Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople, F Smyrna Supports A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 A Trieste Supports A Venice, F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 A Venice Supports A Trieste, F Western Mediterranean Convoys A Edinburgh - Constantinople.

Germany (Steve Cooley – tmssteve “of” A Ankara – Armenia, A Armenia – Syria,

 F Barents Sea Hold, A Budapest Supports A Serbia, A Bulgaria Supports A Edinburgh – Constantinople,

 A Constantinople – Ankara, F Denmark Supports F North Sea, A Kiel Supports A Munich,

 A Munich Supports A Tyrolia, F North Sea Hold, A Norway Hold, A Prussia – Livonia,

 A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria, A Tyrolia Hold, A Vienna Supports A Tyrolia.

Turkey (Civil Disorder): No units.


Now Proposed – F/G Draw.  Please vote.  NVR=No.

Deadline for W 09/S 10 is February 24th at 7am my time


Supply Center Chart


France:            Belgium, Brest, Constantinople, Edinburgh, Greece, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Naples,

Paris, Portugal, Rome, Smyrna, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice=17, Build 2

Germany:         Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway,

Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw=17, Build 1

Turkey:            None=0, OUT!!




FRANCE to WALKERDINE: Wherever you are, Richard, I hope you accept the way we decided to end this.  It was a bit lame the way the others just gave up.


BOOB to COOLEY: In the post-Williams world, I can't right now be cutthroat to the great people who I have deep memories of through Don. He talked endlessly about you for years before I got to know you.


Doug – Boob: We’ve lost too many great friends over the past few years.  I think that played a large part in my decision to wind this thing down.  Maybe keeping it going with a few games for a while will allow it to move to another chapter.


FRANCE to ES OBSERVERS: Yes, I know you were bored, but now we'll end this.


Germany to France: You think this is boring? You should see me play chess!


Cooley to Boob: I still can't believe Don is gone. It was a blessing to get to spend that time with him so near the end. He was frail. The reality of there being no medical hope was still painfully new. I rarely get to have such candid discussions about why it is important to do this or that. I could not have ended this game any other way than to salute him. Don would appreciate this end; I'm sure of it.


Germany to World: if you did not know Don, you missed out. He loved the game in the best way: he loved to play it and he loved to see it played well--finesse moves, detailed negotiations, good stabs--all of it. He was much better than he thought he was--and I liked that about him.


Doug – Germany: Amen to that.










Black Press Gunboat, “Fred Noonan”, 2013Arb32, F 11

France: Retreat F English Channel - Brest.. F Barents Sea Supports F Norway, F Brest - English Channel,

 A Burgundy Supports A Picardy (*Dislodged*, retreat to Paris or Gascony or Marseilles or OTB),

 F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*), F Irish Sea Supports F Brest - English Channel,

 F Norway Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Cut*), A Picardy Supports A Burgundy,

 F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

Germany: A Belgium Supports A Munich – Burgundy, F English Channel Convoys A London - Brest (*Dislodged*,

 retreat to Wales or OTB), A London - Brest (*Fails*), A Munich – Burgundy,

 F North Sea Supports F Sweden - Norway (*Cut*), A Ruhr Supports A Munich – Burgundy,

 F Sweden - Norway (*Fails*), A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Cut*), A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*).

Italy: Civil Disorder.  F Apulia U, A Budapest U, A Vienna U.

Russia: A St. Petersburg – Moscow (NSU), A Warsaw Supports A St. Petersburg – Moscow (*Dislodged*,

 retreat to Livonia or Prussia or Silesia), A Moscow U.

Turkey: Retreat A Moscow - Ukraine.. F Bulgaria(ec) – Constantinople, A Galicia Supports A Ukraine – Warsaw,

 A Greece – Albania, F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea, F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea, F Rumania - Black Sea,

 A Serbia – Trieste (*Fails*), A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Fails*),

 F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean, F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean,

 A Ukraine - Warsaw.


All Draw Proposals Fail

Deadline for W 11/S 12 will Be February 24th at 7am My Time


Supply Center Chart


France:            Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Marseilles, Norway, Paris, Portugal,

                        Spain=8, Even or Build 1

Germany:         Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, London, Munich, Sweden,

                        Trieste, Venice=10, Build 1 or 2

Italy:                Budapest, Vienna=2, Remove 1

Russia:             Moscow, St Petersburg=2, Even or Build 1

Turkey:            Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Rumania,

                        Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna, Tunis, Warsaw=12, Build 1




None.  You guys suck.










Woolworth II-D “Coney Island” 2013Bcb19, F 09


Balkans (Secret): A Bur-Swi, A Pic S A Bre, A Par S A Bre, A Bre S A Par, A Alb-Gre, A Ser S A Alb-Gre, F Tri H.

England (Secret): F Lon S F Edi-Nth, F Enc S F Edi-Nth, F Nao S F Iri.
Italy (Secret): F Bas S F Mao, F Mad-Wms, A Gas-Mar, A Pie-Swi, A Ven-Tri, F Mao S F Enc-Bre (NSO),

 F Gol-Mar.

Russia (Jim Burgess - jfburgess “of” A Stp-Fin, F GOB S A Stp-Fin, A Swe-Nwy,

 F Lap S A Swe-Nwy, A Den-Swe, F Bal-Den, F Hel S F Nth, F Nth C A Hol-Yor (ret Nwg, Ska, Yor or OTB),

 A Hol-Yor, A Bel S A Pic, A Sev U.

Scandinavia (Geoff Kemp - ggeoff510 “of” Ret F Swe-Nwy..

 F Nwy S F Edi-Nth (ret Nwg, Ska, OTB), F Wao S F Nao, F Edi-Nth, F Iri S F Enc.

Turkey (Hugh Polleyhapolley “of” F Ion-Gre, A Rum S A Bul, A Bul S A Rum,

 F Bob S F Mao, F Hao S F Mao, F Aeg S F Ion-Gre, A Mor Holds for Convoy (H).


Deadline for W 09/S 10 is February 24th at 7am My Time


Supply Center Chart


Balkans                        Ser, Gre, Bud, Vie, Tri, Swi, Par, Bre=8                                                  Build 1

England           Lvp, Lon=2                                                                                           Remove 1

Italy                 Nap, Ven, Rom, Cre, Mar, Por, Mad=7                                                   Even

Russia              Mos, War, Sev, Stp, Gal, Ber, Kie, Mun, Hol, Bel, Den, Swe, Nwy=13      Build 2 or 3

Scand.              Edi, Ice=2                                                                                            Remove 2

Turkey              Ank, Con, Smy, Bul, Rum, Tun, Mor=7                                                  Even





T-I: Is it over yet!  Has Western Front collapsed in order to contain a few T/I fleets?











General Deadline for the Next Issue of Eternal Sunshine:  February 24th, 2015 at 7:00am my time.   Hope to See You Then!